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2.Meng Zhang,Quanxin Zhu. Input-to-state stability for impulsive stochastic nonlinear systems with delayed impulses. International Journal of Control. Doi:10.1080/00207179.2019.1623914.
3.Meng Zhang,Quanxin Zhu.Input-to-state stability for non-linear switched stochastic delayed systems with asynchronous switching. IET Control Theory & Applications. 13(3),351-359,2019.
4.Meng Zhang,Quanxin Zhu. Stability analysis for switched stochastic delayed systems under asynchronous switching: A relaxed switching signal. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 30(18),8278-8298,2020.
5.Meng Zhang,Lijun Gao.Input-to-state stability for impulsive switched nonlinear systems with unstable subsystems. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.40(7) ,2167-2177,2018.
6.Zhang Meng, Zhu Quanxin. Finite-time input-to-state stability of switched stochastic time-varying nonlinear systems with time delays. 162, 1-8, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2022.
7.Lijun Gao,Meng Zhang, Xiuming Yao. Stochastic input-to-state stability for impulsive switched stochastic nonlinear systems with multiple jumps. International Journal of Systems Science.Doi:10.1080/00207721.2019.1645233,2019.