为落实学校国际化办学战略,加强国际教育合作,推动公司国际化课程体系建设和人才培养国际化,同时促进公司教师科研、教学水平提高,开拓研究生学术视野,公司聘请澳大利亚麦考瑞大学的Georgina Ge博士为公司研究生开展专业课程《金融计算与模型》的授课。
课程名称:金融计算与模型(Financial Calculation and Methods)
11月27日上午09:00-12:00 Simple interest and short-term financial instruments,
compound interest and bonds
11月28日上午09:00-12:00 Annuity Fun
11月28日下午13:00-16:00 Short-term financial instruments and bond prices
12月04日上午09:00-12:00 Bond prices, bond yields and zero-coupon bonds
12月05日上午09:00-12:00 Re-investment risk and TRCY
12月05日下午13:00-16:00 Presentation and Horizon analysis part I
12月11日上午09:00-12:00 Horizon analysis part II
12月12日上午09:00-12:00 Presentation and Bond duration part I
12月12日下午13:00-16:00 Bond duration part II
12月18日上午09:00-12:00 Presentation and Contingent payment part I
12月19日上午09:00-12:00 Contingent payment part II
12月19日下午13:00-16:00 Presentation and Assignment Q&A
Dr Georgina Ge joined the Centre for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2020. She completed her PhD in Finance at Macquarie University in 2019 which was supported by a Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship. Georgina is an expert on asset-liability mismatch risk in the “shadow banking” industry, the risk profiles of financial intermediaries, and the information sensitivity of the money market.